Highlights of the Month - September 2016

Hello Everyone,

I had quite a reading lag in September, so I finished fewer books than I hoped I would.
Technically I only read two books this month...

If I had to choose between the two books that I read in September, I'd choose 'The ExtraOrdinary Life of Heather Mason: Assumptions and Little Voices' by Frances P. Webber. It seems like September was a bit of a busy month for me outside of the reading.

Another thing that I decided to start doing this month, was start a blog on WordPress. This is going to cover a wider range of topics, things like my writing, my faith, other bookish things, and just all-round my thoughts, so if you would like to check it out, the link is here

I also managed to do some book buying yesterday, which I also posted about on WordPress, which you can read about here

Last Word:
I'm not sure how October is going to go since the hours at work are increasing (even more than what I'm currently working now), so I hope that I'll still be able to get some good reading in, otherwise I might have start taking a day's leave here or there...but I hope it won't come to that.

So wish me luck for October!

Hope you had a great month of reading,
Chat soon,
