
Showing posts from 2018


Hello Everyone, This will most likely be my last post on this particular blogging platform, since I now have a new BLOGGING WEBSITE . I'm going to be leaving the link to the site: NEW BLOGGING WEBSITE For those who are subscribed to this blogging platform; please be sure to subscribe or bookmark the new website - since this is where I'm going to be doing my blog posts now.  I will still be checking this blogging platform every now and then, just to see if there's anything new that I need to see to.  So, having said that -  See you on the NEW WEBSITE ADIOS!!!

Review - Monster Huntress by David Wiley

My Copy of the Book Year Published: 2018 Genre: Fantasy Blurb: Consecrated with her mother’s blood and blessing. The world tells Ava she’s just a little girl who should know her place, but Ava wants a sword not a crown. Ava and her father are following in her mother’s footsteps, hunting monsters in the 13 Kingdoms, seeking revenge for her mother’s untimely death. Little do they know that the monster responsible is building up a dangerous force. When The King requests the help of Ava’s father in exchange for her becoming a princess, Ava is not pleased. Can Ava escape her fate and the obnoxious prince of Harborg to live the life she’s always known, or will the dark plans of the monster catch her in his trap. David Wiley combines the action of Tomb Raider with the fantastical elements of The Witcher to create the exciting world of The Young Huntress high fantasy series. Track down Monster Huntress today and slay your need for good fantasy. About the Author:

Review - Path of Jen: Bloodborne by Sidney Wood

Book Cover Year Published: 2016 Genre: Contemporary; Drama with tiny little bits of military in it. Blurb: Jen is an all-American teenage girl who struggles with her Iranian heritage. Hoping she will connect with the culture and traditions he values, her father takes her to visit the land of his birth.  Her mother's worst fears are realized when Jen is kidnapped and sold into modern day slavery.  Follow the story of an extraordinary young woman who refuses to be a victim. Cheer for her as she fights to stay alive and to ultimately find her way home. Follow the Path of Jen. About the Author: Sidney A. Wood, lives in a small, sleepy town in Alaska's Matanuska Valley. In the summer, he hikes, fishes, and rides the tires off his Harley. In the winter, he throws snowballs at his beautiful wife and teenage daughters, and then laughs at their cries of betrayal with his faithful dog and partner in crime, Cuddles. Yes, he let his daughter name her (face palm

My Week of Reading (20 - 25 August 2018)

Hello Everyone, I have slowly been recuperating from my cold - I managed to do two reviews this week. Fairytale Revenge by J.L. Higgs: Amazon:  Amazon Review - Fairytale Revenge Goodreads:  Goodreads Review - Fairytale Revenge Here is my blog review of the book:  Blog Review - Fairytale Revenge La Vie en Rose by Susie Kelly: Amazon:  Amazon Review - La Vie en Rose Goodreads:  Goodreads Review - La Vie en Rose Here is my blog review of the book:  Blog Review - La Vie en Rose Monthly Reading Goals: I will be putting up a review of a book in this section at some stage next week - so be sure to look out for it. Last Word: Depending on how this week goes for me - I will either get 3 or maybe even 4 reviews out. This week has been a little bit better health-wise; I even managed to get some workstation painting done today as well.  Finally...there's light at the end of the tunnel... Another thing I want to see if I can get going again is my writing on Wattpad -

Review - La Vie en Rose by Susie Kelly

My Copy of the Book Year Published: 2017 Genre: Memoir; Humor Blurb: Living the French dream – vineyards, sunflowers, lavender fields, glasses of wine and platters of fromage. French ladies slender and chic, French men wearing berets and riding bicycles with baguettes clamped under their arms when they are not flirting outrageously, and all the while the sun shines down benevolently upon uniform rows of ripening vegetables. Dreams are strange and unpredictable, and sometime so is la vie en rose. A pick from some of the best bits of the popular travel author's blog diaries reveal the minutiae of expat day to day life in rural France. A must-read for Susie Kelly fans and anybody thinking of, or dreaming of, moving to France. About the Author: Susie Kelly was born in grey post-war London, and spent much of her childhood and young adulthood in the beautiful country of Kenya. She now lives in south-west France with a menagerie of assorted animals, and is pass

Review - Fairytale Revenge by J.L. Higgs

My Copy of the Book Year Published: 2017 Genre: Fantasy; Mystery Blurb: Moving on from Cinderella was always going to be hard for Sylvia Stark. A change of direction sends her to create a magazine for stepfamilies called Fairytale Stepmothers Unite. She interviews Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother as well as Snow White and her wicked stepmother. As expected she finds things are not as they seem but a twist of fate brings a mysterious man into her life and sends her reeling. The Land of Make Believe threatens to suck her in unless she can make a firm stand and remember what is most important in life. Getting revenge on those who have hurt her is the icing on the cake. About the Author: I was born in Tampa, Florida but grew up in Outback NT Australia. During my 50+ years, I have been married and divorced, a single parent, a mother and a stepmother, in full-time employment and then unable to work due to chronic illness. What I have discovered is that no matte

My Week of Reading (13 - 18 August 2018)

Hello Everyone, Since I was sick for most of this past week - I only ended up doing one review. Gift of the Shaper by D.L. Jennings: Amazon:  Amazon Review - Gift of the Shaper Goodreads:  Goodreads Review - Gift of the Shaper Here is my review of the book:  Blog Review - Gift of the Shaper Monthly Reading Goals: Alright, I have managed to start this - and will most likely only be finishing one book this month. I'm attempting to squeeze a little bit more leisure reading in this month; and seeing how far I get with it. Last Word: Even though I've been sick this past week; and have been able to get a lot of rest in - I've somehow managed to get quite a bit of reading done as well - which is pretty awesome. At the moment, I'm currently reading 'Fairytale Revenge' by H.L. Higgs, and will be doing a review of this book this coming week. I'll most likely be doing at least two reviews this week; I might be able to do another one if I manage to fi

My Week of Reading (6 - 11 August 2018)

Hello Everyone, I managed to do two reviews this week; it has been a slightly busy week, but I've tried to get as much reading done as I can. Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer: Amazon:  Amazon Review - Wolfsbane Goodreads:  Goodreads Review - Wolfsbane Here is my blog review of the book:  Blog Review - Wolfsbane This is the second book in the 'Nightshade' series, so I don't give a huge amount of detail in these reviews. The Secret Language of Women by Nina Romano: Amazon:  Amazon Review - The Secret Language of Women Goodreads:  Goodreads Review - The Secret Language of Women Here is my blog review of the book:  Blog Review - The Secret Language of Women Monthly Reading Goals: I have now officially done one of July's monthly goals - and the book that was chosen for this; is 'Wolfsbane', which is one of the reviews posted here. This falls into the YA Paranormal category. Which means I can now start my reading goals for August. La

Review - The Secret Language of Women by Nina Romano

My Copy of the Book Year Published: 2015 Genre: Historical Fiction; Romance Blurb: Set in China in the late 1800’s, The Secret Language of Women tells the story of star-crossed lovers, Zhou Bin Lian, a Eurasian healer, and Giacomo Scimenti, an Italian sailor, driven apart by the Boxer Rebellion. When Lian is seventeen years old, she accompanies her Swiss father, Dr. Gianluca Brasolin, fluent in Italian, to tend the Italian ambassador, at the Summer Palace of Empress Dowager, where she meets and falls in love with Giacomo. Through voyage and adventure, their love intensifies, but soon is severed by Lian’s dutiful promise as the wife to another. Forbidden from pursuing her chosen profession as a healer, and despised because she does not have bound feet, she is forced to work in a cloisonnĂ© factory while her in-laws raise her daughter, Ya Chen. It is in Nushu, the women’s secret writing, that she chronicles her life and her hopes for the future. Rebelling against the

Review - Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer

My Copy of the Book Year Published: 2012 Genre: Paranormal; Young Adult; Contemporary Blurb: When Calla Tor wakes up in the lair of the Searchers, her sworn enemies, she's certain her days are numbered. But then the Searchers make her an offer, one that gives her the chance to destroy her former masters and save the pack - and the man - she left behind. Is Ren worth the price of her freedom? And will Shay stand by her side no matter what? Now in control of her own destiny, Calla must decide which battles are worth fighting and how many trials true love can endure and still survive. About the Author: Andrea Cremer is a New York Times and international bestselling author. She spent her childhood daydreaming while roaming the forests and lakeshores of Northern Wisconsin. She now lives in Manhattan, but at heart she will always be a small-town girl. Andrea has always loved writing and has never stopped writing, but it took a horse and a broken foot to prompt he

My Week of Reading (30 July - 4 August 2018)

Hello Everyone, I had quite a productive week having done three reviews; having said that, let's jump straight in. The Housewife Assassin Gets Lucky by  Josie Brown and Deborah Coonts: Amazon:  Amazon Review - The Housewife Assassin Gets Lucky Goodreads:  Goodreads Review - The Housewife Assassin Gets Lucky Here is my blog review of the book:  Blog Review - The Housewife Assassin Gets Lucky Technology Can Kill You by James William Peercy: Amazon:  Amazon Review - Technology Can Kill You Goodreads:  Goodreads Review - Technology Can Kill You Here is my blog review of the book:  Blog Review - Technology Can Kill You Accidentally Married by Victorine E. Lieske: Amazon:  Amazon Review - Accidentally Married Goodreads:  Goodreads Review - Accidentally Married Here is my blog review of the book:  Blog Review - Accidentally Married I will most likely be doing a Booktube video on the last review at some stage - so look out for it. Monthly Reading Go

Review - The Housewife Assassin Gets Lucky by Josie Brown and Deborah Coonts

My Copy of the Book Year Published: 2018 Genre: Chick Lit; Crime Blurb: When two hot, haute heroines team up to solve a murder, neither can afford to be fashionably late. No one expected to find a dead girl in the Royal Suite at the Babylon’s posh London club. Who would kill her? And why? With little to go on and no friends to rely on, Lucky O’Toole, the Babylon’s Chief Problem Solver, is dispatched to…well, to solve the problem. But she needs to be in Paris. Her fiancĂ©—and, worse, his mother—are counting on her presence at a party in her honor in seventy-two hours, more or less. With a personal-life time-bomb ticking, Lucky hopes for a quick solution. A mystery woman, seen leaving the Royal Suite just before the girl’s body is discovered, attracts Lucky’s attention. She has to be the key… On loan to the CIA, assassin Donna Stone Craig and her crack black-ops team have stepped into a viper’s nest. First, they darn near get out-bid and overwhelmed at an auct

Highlights of the Month - July 2018

Hello Everyone, Yet again it is that time of the month where I give you the highlights of my reading month. I managed to read 9 books this month. There are (yet again), more than one book that I really enjoyed this month - so here are my top two favourites for the month: - Accidentally Married by Victorine E. Lieske - Technology Can Kill You by James William Peercy Both of these books got a five star rating from me.  Monthly Reading Goals: Alright, so - I at least got started on July's goal, and will most likely finish it in August - so I'm going to be switching things up - here is AUGUST'S reading goals: Read either: - A Women's Fiction Novel OR - Fiction Novel set in South Africa Ok, I will definitely be getting the first option done at least - since I've got a couple of those on my TBR list. Since I'm not sure how my reading is going to go in August; I'm unsure yet as to whether I'm going to be able to complete the second one... Last

Review - Technology Can Kill You by James William Peercy

My Copy of the Book Year Published: 2017 Genre: Sci-Fi, tiny drop of Dystopian. Blurb: When an ordinary Universal Space Tech, Galaxy Class, finishes a job for the Farinians in a war-torn sector of space, little does he know he’s a pawn in a much bigger arena. Armed with only his intelligence and his ship’s AI, he must battle the agenda of a foe thought dead, defeat an enemy that does not exist, and save a group of colonists from extinction. But for Ivan, it’s just another tech job in a mad, mad universe. Written in the light of the great space operas, Ivan was inspired by Edmond Hamilton’s Starwolf trilogy. With hyperspace, energy guns, and AI’s, its technology spans the gambit. But don’t take our word for it, find out for yourself! About the Author: The desire to write first over took me in middle school after reading 'The Red Planet' by Robert A. Heinlein. From that point on, I could not get enough. As the ideas filled my head, I had to find a way to let

Review - Accidentally Married by Victorine E. Lieske

My Copy of the Book Year Published: 2014 Genre: Chick Lit; Romance Blurb: Madison Nichols, aspiring actress, is floundering. Her rent is due and she needs a job. Desperately. After getting a tip about an open position, she rushes to Jameson Technologies and meets CEO Jared Jameson. Unfortunately, due to a misunderstanding, she is put in the awkward position of pretending to be his girlfriend. Not the job she was applying for. And when she finds out Jared lied to her to get what he wanted, she decides to get back at him. In front of his family. Jared is stunned when Madison announces they are getting married. She pushed her revenge too far. How can he tell them it’s all a lie? And when his sick aunt asks them to be married before she dies, Madison comes up with a hair-brained plan to hire an actor and stage a fake wedding. What they both don’t know is Jared’s father has found out about the fake wedding. And he’s got his own hair-brained plan. This is a sweet romance