Highlights of the Month - April 2016

Hello there,

Another month gone! Where does the time go?
Thankfully I managed to get some leisure reading in, don't know if I'm going to be able to do that in May, but a person never knows. 
Here are my highlights of the month:
-Reading 'A Thorne for a Crown' by Lorel Clayton. I absolutely LOVED this book, and have asked my dad to bring me back a paperback copy when he gets back from the US. 
-I also got another ARC ebook (Always & Eternal by Lindy Dale) that I also enjoyed reviewing. I hope to get more ARCs in the future! It's enjoyable reading a book before everyone else (the public) reads it! 
-Another highlight is definitely another book I received for review, and that is 'Giant Killers' by Steve Lawson. I knew that when I read the blurb, that I was going to want to highlight things I wanted to remember, so I asked for a physical copy, and I'm SO glad I did.

It was nice to have a good reading month, and I've got another crazy month of reviews ahead! I've got to plan my Amazon reviews very carefully. I'm hoping to maybe get a little bit ahead, so if there is a day where I can't do much reading, that I have made provision and don't fall behind.

Last Word:
Let me know what your month of reading was like, and if there was any favourites during the month.

Hope you had a great month of reading,
