My Week of Reading (18 - 23 June 2018)

Hello Everyone,

It's been quite a week for reviews - I managed to get three done - so I'm going to be jumping straight in:

The Claimant by Lily Burlington:
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - The Claimant

Even though there wasn't a huge amount going on in this book; I still enjoyed the romance that was in it.

The Diviners by Libba Bray:
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - The Diviners

I'm curious as to how this series is going to carry on.

Lucan: Part 2 by Christine Duts: 
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Lucan: Part 2

Monthly Reading Goals: 
Can you believe that I have finally gotten to this?! The review that I've posted here - The Claimant - is in the romance genre. I don't think I'm going to get anymore books done in this section this month; but a person never knows!

Last Word:
Since it has been a busy review week; I don't think I'll be too busy this upcoming week - I'll most likely get one or two reviews out. At the moment - I'm busy reading 'Down the Willow Tree' by Elizabeth Robin.
I've also been able to get a little bit of workstation painting done - and will also most likely get some more done this coming week - while listening to podcasts. I've been in the sort of mindset where I'm catching up on things that I've fallen behind with - which feels wonderful.
So, here's to a great week to reading, listening to podcasts and catching up on things. 

Hope you had a great week of reading,Chat Soon,
