My Week of Reading (11 -16 June 2018)

Hello Everyone,

At the moment, I'm sitting with the cat on my lap on my bed; and am nearly struggling to type...but, on with the bookish things...
So, as I said in my previous 'Week of Reading', it was a bit of a busy reading and blogging week for me, so here are the reviews that I did this past week. 

Valentine: Act I of II by Elliott Morreau: 
Amazon: Amazon Review - Valentine: Act I of II
Goodreads: Goodreads Review - Valentine: Act I of II
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Valentine: Act I of II

Pit of Vipers by Millie Thom:
Amazon: Amazon Review - Pit of Vipers
Goodreads: Goodreads Review - Pit of Vipers
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Pit of Vipers

Werebear Skye by Aubrey Law: 
Amazon: Amazon Review - Werebear Skye
Goodreads: Goodreads Review - Werebear Skye
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Werebear Skye

Monthly Reading Goals:
Good news - I have FINALLY started this (and hears everyone cheer as well). I went for the romance category; since it's once that I've been craving for quite a while, and I'm also quite a way into the book, so depending on how reading goes, I might have a review up by the end of next week, or if not then, the week after.

Last Word:
Alright, so depending on how this coming week goes, I will either get two or three reviews out. It feels like I'm getting slightly ahead in reading, so I'm hoping to do more of that this coming week. At the moment, I'm busy reading 'Lucan: Part 2', and will be doing a review of this book this coming week - I'll also be doing a review of a leisure book that I've just finished as well - so stay tuned! 

Hope you had a great week of reading,
Chat Soon,

