My Week of Reading (21 - 26 May 2018)

Hello Everyone,

It's been a slightly busy week for me - I've managed to get three reviews done. 

Behind the Door by A. Gavazzoni:
Amazon: Amazon Review - Behind the Door
Goodreads: Goodreads Review - Behind the Door
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Behind the Door

For those that are interested - I have recently made my Goodreads profile public, so here is the link to my profile if you want to check it out and follow my reviews; though you are also more than welcome to follow me on my Amazon profile as well. 

Bluethroat Morning by Jacqui Lofthouse:
Amazon: Amazon Review - Bluethroat Morning
Goodreads: Goodreads Review - Bluethroat Morning
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Bluethroat Morning

And last but not least:

The Six: Kristy by Samantha March:
Amazon: Amazon Review - The Six: Kristy
Goodreads: Goodreads Review - The Six: Kristy
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - The Six: Kristy

So as you can see I had an awesome week of reading.

Monthly Reading Goals:
Even though I have got my leisure reading going; I haven't got to this yet - but if everything goes well; maybe I'll start with one by the end of the month.

Last Word:
I'm going to be slightly busy next week [helping out at my old work place], so I'm not sure how much reading I'm going to get done. I will be posting two reviews next week, one of the reviews is going to be from my leisure reading, so definitely stay tuned for that. 
And lastly, I have managed to get a tiny amount of painting done - I probably won't be finished by the end of May; hopefully if things go alright, maybe late June I'll be done. 

Tiny bits at a time...

Hope you had a great week of reading,
Chat Soon,
