My Week of Reading (2 - 7 October 2017)

Hello Everyone,

This week turned out to be a little bit quieter - I only got one review out.

Pigeon-Blood Red by Ed Duncan:
Amazon: Amazon Review - Pigeon-Blood Red
Goodreads: Goodreads Review - Pigeon-Blood Red
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Pigeon-Blood Red

Now onto...

Monthly Reading Goals:
I haven't been able to get to this yet; though hopefully I'll be able to soon.

Last Word:
With it starting to get busy at work; it's getting slightly harder to get reviews out on time - even though I have somehow managed so far. I'm currently reading 'Binge Until Tragedy' by Ben D'Alessio and will have this review out soon. I will also have another review out later this week - which means that I will be slightly busier with reviews. 
I'm also going to see if I can get a day off this coming week - so I can try and catch up (and maybe get slightly ahead) in reading. 
This is only going to be the start of the busy period of the year for me - and it's most likely going to last from now until I finish in December. 

Hope you had a great week of reading,
Chat Soon,
