My Week of Reading (13 - 19 February 2017)

Hello Everyone,

This week I only managed to get one review out. Overall, my reading week was alright. So without further ado, here's the review:

Sweet Lake by Christine Nolfi:
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Sweet Lake

Since this is an ARC that this only going to be released on the 28th of February, I will only be able to post an Amazon review then, and which will appear in my next 'Week of Reading'. Speaking of Amazon reviews, here is one that I did this past week:

The Last Valentine by Felix Alexander:

Since this particular book was only released on the 13th of February, I was only able to do an Amazon Review then.

Monthly Reading Goals - February:
So I decided not to add 'Family Ties' to the list. I was also considering adding 'Sweet Lake', but that also falls more into the 'Women's Fiction genre. So technically I'm still sitting without a book to add to this list. Though I'm hoping to still read another two books before this month is over.

Last Word:
The only book that I'm still reading is Sherlock Holmes, and I'm hoping to finish the book sometime this week. I'll probably pick up another book as well either tomorrow or on Tuesday, but I'm not sure yet what book that will be.

Hope you had a great week of reading,
Chat Soon,
