My Week of Reading (14 - 19 November 2016)

Hello Everyone,

My reading this week has gone alright; my writing on the other hand has died down a little bit, but I'm not going to force writing since that won't get me anywhere. Anyways...

Back on to book related things! I've managed to do one review this week:

The Golden Tup by Leslie W P Garland:
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - The Golden Tup

At the moment I'm reading 'Cocktails, Rock Tales and Betrayals' by Julie Archer, and this book is going to be part of a book tour that I'm participating in, and will only be putting the review up for this one next Sunday. So far I'm enjoying this book.

Last Word:
I think I am still on track with reading, and I'm hoping to still expand on this blog a little bit in the future. I'm also busy planning for a read-a-thon that I'd like to make available to those that would be interested in something reading-related. I've currently got a poll on my twitter account about a reading related question. There's still one day to participate.
I have an idea of what I will be reading next, and since I'm taking two days off from work next week, I plan on getting as much reading done as I can.

Hope you had a great week of reading,
Chat Soon,
