My Week of Reading (21-26 March 2016)

Hello there,

I've been able to cram quite a few books in due to this long weekend, so I've read four books this past week. Can you believe that I also got a paperback wedged in between all my review reads? Here is a list (along with the reviews) of the books I read this past week:

Emily's Innocence by India Grey:
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Emily's Innocence

Tangle of Thornes by Lorel Clayton
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Tangle of Thornes

Even Solomon by VK Lynne

The Fin by Matthew Danza

You will notice that I haven't put up Amazon reviews or a link to a blog post with 'Even Solomon' and 'The Fin'. This is because these are reviews that are going to go up on another blog that I contribute to, and when I do my next 'My Week of Reading' post, I will be leaving the links to those particular reviews. 'Even Solomon' I'm going to be posting in the middle of next week, and 'The Fin' I'm going to be posting in 1st/2nd week of April (depends on if you think that Friday the 1st of April is part of 'a week').

Last Word:
Let me know how your week of reading has been going (as well as the long weekend), and if you have read any of the books I have mentioned. 

Have a great week of reading,
