My Week of Reading (19 - 24 June 2017)
Hello Everyone, I've fallen a little bit behind with reading; though I did manage to get one review out. The Stair by Brian Harrison: Amazon: Amazon Review - The Stair Goodreads: Goodreads Review - The Stair Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - The Stair As I said in the review, this book took me a little longer to read, but it is essentially a novella. Monthly Reading Goals: At this stage, I highly doubt I'll be able to get to this month's reading goals, I'll explain why below; though who knows what could happen these next few days. Last Word: One reason why I've fallen a little bit behind with reading is because my mom has had knee surgery; so I've had to take over some household duties. So with that and having a full time job, you can imagine that I don't get much reading done. I'm hoping to finally start 'Searching for Sarah' by Julieann Dove, and I'm also hoping to pick up a book by Deborah Coonts, ...