My Week of Reading (14 - 19 May 2018)

Hello Everyone,

This week, I managed to get two reviews done (counting the reviews that I did on my blog as one review rather than two), which consisted of quick reads as well as a full length novel.

Two Girls in a Cafe by Lawrence G. Taylor and A Dream Come True by Jeryn Alise Turner:
Amazon: Amazon Review - Two Girls in a Cafe
Amazon: Amazon Review - A Dream Come True
Goodreads: Goodreads Review - Two Girls in a Cafe
Goodreads: Goodreads Review - A Dream Come True
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Two Girls in a Cafe and A Dream Come True

The Crimson Heirlooms by Hunter Dennis:
Amazon: Amazon Review - The Crimson Heirlooms
Goodreads: Goodreads Review - The Crimson Heirlooms
Genuine Jenn: Genuine Jenn Review - The Crimson Heirlooms

This week has been a slightly tight squeeze with reading.

Monthly Reading Goals:
Even though I haven't gotten to this yet; I have been doing some leisure reading. Time is running a little bit short this month; so I'm not sure how much leisure reading I'm going to end up getting done. 

Last Word:
So, even though this past week has been a tight squeeze - this coming week is really going to be crammed! I'm hoping to get three reviews in this week - and they're going to be almost on top of each other. I've also managed to get a very tiny amount of painting for my workstation done; not sure how much (if any) that I'm going to get done this week with my crammed reading - but a person never knows! So - without further ado - let me get back to my reading! 

Hope you had a great week of reading,
Chat Soon,
