My Week of Reading (17 - 22 July 2017)

Hello Everyone,

I've had a little bit more time to read this week. There were times where it felt like I was falling behind, but I've managed to get some decent reading done; and got one review out.

The Comfort of Secrets by Christine Nolfi:
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - The Comfort of Secrets

Monthly Reading Goals:
I'm hoping to get to it this coming week; hold thumbs! 

Last Word:
At the moment; I'm busy reading two books. 'Deep Blue Truth' by Ava Armstrong and 'Her Blackened Soul' by Isra Sravenheart. I need to finish both by next week, with 'Her Blackened Soul' needing to be posted on the Genuine Jenn blog. 
Other awesome book-related things have happened this week, though I'll only be talking about this at a later stage. Though there is one thing I'll recommend - if you're an avid book blogger - try to interact with authors via some form of social media - it's really rewarding, worth it, and you get to interact with other book lovers as well. 
I'm also enjoying my new workstation immensely, it feels as if I'm being more productive. I've also added a bio and social media page so be sure to check it out - I've finished my blogging course, and I'm slowly implementing what I've learnt.

Hope you had a great week of reading,
Chat Soon,
