My Week of Reading (20 - 25 March 2017)

Hello Everyone,

Reading has been alright this week; I managed to get one review out. I'm also going to be adding one more review link as well down below:

Grace by Max Lucado:
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Grace

At the moment I'm busy with two books; 'Deep Water' by Deborah Coonts (which I'm hoping to finish by Tuesday), and 'Destined to Fail' by Samantha March. So I should be able to get at least one review out this week.

Monthly Reading Goals:
No progress yet; but I'm within touching distance of 'The Widow' by Fiona Barton; which is the psychological thriller that I want to read, so I'm hoping to start this one next week (hopefully before the end of March); though I probably won't finish it in March.

Last Word:
As you've seen, I've decided to change my blog a little bit. I've decided to put on a new theme (hope you like it!), and all the information that was in the previous layout is still there, it's just on the tab that you click that has the three lines on the left. With the progress that I'm making with my reading, I'm hoping to get two (maybe three reviews) out next week. So wish me luck! Let me know if you like the new theme in the comments down below.

Hope you had a great week of reading,
Chat Soon,
